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Bio-Sekitar Enterprise


Husna Nurul

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Impact Statement

I am a Catalyst, a passionate youth in science and technology who wanted to give back to the
society. I want to be the spark to someone's life in changing their lifestyle as I believe everyone
has an obligation to make the world a better place.I promise to the best of my abilities to
contribute towards the sustainability of this country while engaging with the youth to give
impact on others


Micheal Ong

IoT Developer

Impact Statement

I am an optimist who believes that hope, passion and equality can help the lives of everyone. I want to inspire the people to believe in the power of positivity. I want deliver life lesson messages through talks and public speaking.


Ooi Teng Hao (Jack)

Chief Technical Officer (CTO)

Impact Statement

I am a beacon, a Malaysian youth with a passion for science and technology. My purpose is to inspire people to have interest in technology. I promise to the best of my abilities, I will impact them through my experience.


Leonard Chew

Sales and Marketing

Impact Statement

I'm an engineer that applies my knowledge to build, innovate and transform the world towards
sustainability and making life better for everybody.


Lee Rong Chen

IT Developer

Impact Statement

I am a supporter of delivering valuable solutions to a diverse range of policy issues and products. I believe that our team have the ability to positively influence the community whilst tackling serious issues with each decision that we head out to settle.

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